Evaluation methods
Workshop, 05/06 November 2010, Kartause Ittingen/Switzerland, Saturday morning
Topic: Critical appraisal of current evaluation methods
Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratios (ICERs)
Information created to evade reality (ICER): things we should not look to for answers
Amiram Gafni, Hamilton / Canada
Static and dynamic efficiency
Changes of cost effectiveness over time: (How) Should We Capture the Dynamics of Innovation?
Tomas J. Philipson, Chicago / USA
Individual versus social preferences
How Do We Translate Individual Preferences into Social Preferences?
Jeff Richardson, Melbourne, Vic / Australia
Measures of benefit, social values and claims:
(How) Can the Current Health Economic Evaluation Paradigms Be Amended to Meet Fairness Objectives?
Weyma Luebbe, Ratisbon / Germany